Elena T.
Country of residence
Languages in which you practice coaching
English, German, Italian, Spanish
Professional certifications (Level and Association)
Experience in executive coaching
Accreditations in diagnostic tools
Extended DISC, APP Thomas, Leadership Architect Lominger, VOICES Lominger,, MBTI Practicioner
Other certifications
Mental Health Coach (Moder Health – Jan 2021), Conscious Business Coaching (BetterUp - Dec 2020), Emotional Intelligence and Positive Psychology (Institut Gestalt, Barcelona, 2019), o Team Coach (Academy of Executive Coaching, London, 2018),,, Supervision for Coaches (Escuela Europea de Coaching, Barcelona, 2015-2016),, Ontologic Coach (Escuela Europea de Coaching, Barcelona, 2014-2015),,NLP Master (Human abilities, Barcelona, 2013), Voice and Speech coach and trainer (DVAAP, Münster, 2007-2008)
Main competences (3)
Expert profiles
Specialist areas
Interpersonal Communication Skills, Negotiation and Conflict Management, Executive Presence and Self-Leadership, Leadership and Communication, Intercultural Communication, Virtual Teams and Cultural Differences, Stress management, Enhance Performance, Balance Work and Private Life
Areas of expertise
Professional purpose
Professional experience
Organizational Psychologist (M.Sc.) and Mediator (M.Sc.) with previous experience in marketing and communication companies, holding various positions from customer service to event organization. Since 2006, singing teacher at a music school, where I started giving voice lessons to managers to help them speak in public with confidence. This is how my journey as a trainer and coach began.