Vigela LL.

Country of residence
Languages in which you practice coaching
Professional certifications (Level and Association)
Experience in executive coaching
Since 2010. 2700 hours
Accreditations in diagnostic tools
DISC - i4 Neuroleader model, Feedback 360, PDA Analyst, MyPDACoach
Other certifications
Main competences (3)
Awareness, Challenge and Action
Expert profiles
Specialist areas
Areas of expertise
Professional purpose
Professional experience
Degree in Economics and Master MBA from IE. During 14 years of experience in the business field I have been part of teams leading them in most cases developing my career in positions of Administrative/Financial Management, Deputy Management, Trade Marketing Manager and Management where I have mainly developed my work. Holding management positions has given me the opportunity to have the strategic and team management vision of the organizations I have worked for. The companies of which it forms part: CAM, PEUGEOT, FUNDACION VALENCIANA DE LA CALIDAD, GRUPO PONS, JOHNSON&JOHNSON AND GRUPO INERZIA. After the first 14 years, I took the step to work as a freelancer in the field of people development. Since then I have been bringing value to the teams as an executive coach and mentor, helping them in change management, achieving high performance teams, and lately in agile management from the profile of an agile coach.