Jaime B.
Country of residence
Languages in which you practice coaching
Professional certifications (Level and Association)
Experience in executive coaching
Since 2003. 2600 hours
Accreditations in diagnostic tools
PDA Analyst, Feedback 360, MyPDACoach
Other certifications
Team Coaching, Mindfulness
Main competences (3)
Challenge, empathy and sense of humor
Expert profiles
CEO's, DG's, HRD, D.Commercial, D.Marketing, D.Sales
Specialist areas
Transverse. My previous experience in the Health Care sector
Areas of expertise
Leadership, Leadership as a Coach, from Sales Manager to Sales Coach, Personal Productivity
Professional purpose
I believe in "I can't change circumstances, but I can change myself. And when I change, the world changes" and "Happiness lies in accepting what I have while pursuing what I want"
Professional experience
Bachelor of Science in Chemistry. 21 years of professional experience in multinational companies in the USA, UK and France, with experience in the areas of Marketing and Business Development, occupying positions of Division Management and General Management in Spain in the last two. INSEAD Executive Program. Founder of Sales Coaching (2001) and Personal Productivity (2007). Partner of Atesora Group (2011) and Founder of EXEKUTIVE Coaching (2019)