Carmen D. S.

Country of residence
Languages in which you practice coaching
Professional certifications (Level and Association)
Coach ACTP by ICF
Experience in executive coaching
Sincee 2019. 150 hours
Accreditations in diagnostic tools
PDA Analyst. User MyPDA Coach. User Hogan.
Other certifications
Emotional intelligence. Time management. Organizational development / team coaching. Mediation and conflict resolution.
Main competences (3)
Powerful questions, confidence, knowing how to listen
Expert profiles
Team leaders. Middle managers
Specialist areas
Communication. Consultancy. Telecommunication
Areas of expertise
Communication. Emotional management
Professional purpose
Accompanying people to achieve their goals. Get them to enhance their skills and succeed as people and as professionals
Professional experience
I started my career as a journalist at the EFE Agency, with some of the greatest Spanish journalists. Then I worked with La Razón and La Vanguardia newspapers and there I jumped into corporate communication, where I developed my career within the company Reporter-MRM, digital marketing services agency and content of the multinational McCann Group. In the group I was Account Manager for ten years, leading the brand content of national and international customers such as Microsoft, AXA, Orange, BMW, Ibercaja, etc. After that decade, I decided to make the leap as an entrepreneur and found the communication and content agency TripleBe S.L., from which I have led communication projects for companies such as calculus, Microsoft lberica, Teldat, etc. Without leaving the scope of communication, two years ago I decided to orient my professional life towards coaching, accompanying people in their professional and personal growth with real enthusiasm.