Marga D. O.

Country of residence
Languages in which you practice coaching
Catalan, Spanish, French, English, Italian
Professional certifications (Level and Association)
Experience in executive coaching
Since 2012. 2700 hours
Accreditations in diagnostic tools
SEI assessment (Six Seconds Emotional Intelligence) & Brain Profiler Assessment (Six Seconds Emotional Intelligence)
Other certifications
Emotional Intelligence, NLP, Team Coaching, CNV
Main competences (3)
Active listening, generation of insight and direct communication
Expert profiles
Multinational Co-dir (technical areas & production, MKTG, supply chain) and banking sector- Boards of Health Organizations and Family Business - Female talent - Expats
Specialist areas
Food, Industrial, Pharmaceutical, Sanitary, Financial
Areas of expertise
Emotional intelligence, female leadership, effective communication, conflict management
Professional purpose
Contribute to the generation of results by making innate talents shine and exerting your own influence
Professional experience
I have developed a large part of my professional career at an international level, in multinationals in the food sector (Nestle and Unilever), managing technical departments (R&D) and as Project Leader of international and multifunctional teams (International Internal Consulting Group). I have an extensive background in consulting, management skills training and organizational development. I have founded and led my own companies and currently co-directed the Coaching area of the Institut Gestalt, I serve as Country Manager for Six Seconds and am Regional Director Atesora Group.