Cristina C.
Country of residence
Languages in which you practice coaching
Spanish, English
Professional certifications (Level and Association)
Experience in executive coaching
Since 2019. 1800 hours
Accreditations in diagnostic tools
Feedback 360, PDA Analyst, MyPDACoac. CPQ[D&D]®. Life Design: Canvas de la felicidad, User DISC, User MBTI, User People Tree 360
Other certifications
Executive Coaching, Realistic Coaching, Bachelor of Psychology and Work Sciences. Master in Resource Management
Main competences (3)
Lateral thinking, versatility and determination
Expert profiles
Executives, team leaders, project managers, sales representatives, future leaders, expatriates, employees with potential
Specialist areas
Technology, consulting, project management, financial, commercial, companies in the process of transformation, companies with international mobility
Areas of expertise
Strategic vision, impact communication, delegation, conflict management, personal balance, teams management, emotional management, feedback
Professional purpose
I am excited to accompany professionals for their growth in work performance and productivity. I encourage others to discover more useful ways which will lead them to the success they are looking for
Professional experience
Passionate about accompanying people's development, in coaching I have found a perfect tool to achieve it. Since 2000 my experience has always been linked to the world of Human Resources in multinationals such as Hilti Espanola, Seur or Yellow Pages. I am Executive Coach, Human Resources Manager, team leader and innovation projects in Human Resources, as well as a trainer. Among my most recent achievements are the design and implementation of labor flexibility, the digitization and communication of the value proposition for the employee or the leadership of the design, negotiation and launch of the equality plan. Among all, the achievement that I am most proud of is to have started and led the culture of coaching in Hilti Espanola as a unique tool for the acceleration of results.