Lorena R. C.
Country of residence
Languages in which you practice coaching
Professional certifications (Level and Association)
Experience in executive coaching
Since 2019. 50 hours
Accreditations in diagnostic tools
Feedback 360, PDA Analyst, MyPDACoach, CPQ[D&D]®
Other certifications
Master HR
Main competences (3)
Listening, closeness and challenge
Expert profiles
Human Resources, Communication
Specialist areas
Areas of expertise
Professional purpose
Professional experience
I am a sociologist with training in HR and gender equality and passionate about personal and professional development. I believe in technology, but I believe, above all, in people. That's why my goal is always to work with, and for them. This is how I have been doing it for years, being part of the Human Resources departments of different companies, mainly in the IT sector. In them, I have contributed to the attracting and loyalty of talent, the development of people, internal communication and brand image; as well as in strategic initiatives of Culture, Wellbeing and Diversity. I participate, in addition, in different projects of companies that contribute to create digital diversity, mentoring and teaching trainings as a specialist in the IT sector.