Mónica L.

Country of residence
Languages in which you practice coaching
Spanish, English
Professional certifications (Level and Association)
Experience in executive coaching
Since 2006. 4300 hours
Accreditations in diagnostic tools
FTA (the leadership circle)
Other certifications
Constellations, Mindfulness, Enneagram, team coaching
Main competences (3)
Sympathetic look, generative listening, accurate challenge
Expert profiles
CEO's, DG, management committee, senior executives, high potentials
Specialist areas
I have worked in a wide range of sectors: Telecommunications, Finance, Insurance, Aerospace, FMCG, Fashion
Areas of expertise
Communication, Conflict Management, Team Leadership, Stress Management, Self-confidence
Professional purpose
I connect people with their ability to realize their deepest aspirations. Boundaries are easily blurred and innate potential is unleashed in a big way
Professional experience
30 years of leadership and coaching experience as a facilitator of the change, executive coach, trainer and mentor. Director LCE-The Coaching Company - Egypt. Faculty in 3 international coaching schools. 16 years of experience in P&G as team leader in multicultural and multifunctional projects in the areas of Marketing and Client Development. Leading teams of up to 200 people.