Contributing to the effectiveness

The use of diagnostic tools increases self-knowledge and the effectiveness of the coaching process by facilitating the identification of the skills to be developed, and also by reducing the number of sessions needed.

Feedback 360 People Tree

Report, with a ranking approach, that allows to identify the relative strengths of those areas that are critical for the success of a professional, through its own evaluation and that of other evaluators.


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PDA Assessment

Tool developed specifically to analyze the natural behavioral profile of people and how this is modified according to the demand of their professional context.


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MBTI (Myers Briggs Type Indicator)

It allows to identify valid differences between people, which can be the source of many misunderstandings and communication errors. It will also help you to understand the people you relate to.


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TKI (Thomas Kilmann Model Conflict Instrument)

Model designed to evaluate a person’s behavior in conflict situations, taking into account how he or she manages personal assertiveness and willingness to cooperate with others.


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Feedback 360º PDA

Report, built with a rating approach, which presents the organization’s shared vision of suitability for a professional’s position.


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MyPDA Coach

Online tool that allows coaches to accompany individual coaching processes virtually and remotely and to accelerate change through daily monitoring of new behaviours.


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Hogan LFS (Leadership Forecast Series)

Tool that includes several reports focused on leadership development: Potential, challenges, values and coaching


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FIRO-B (Fundamental interpersonal relations orientation behaviour)

It helps individuals understand their interpersonal needs and how they influence their communication style, behavior, problem solving and decision making.


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Master Person Analysis

It allows to define and calculate the adjustment of a person to a position and to visualize the behaviors of a team or collective. It carries a strategic vision for the management of Human Resources in a company.


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Thomas PPA (Personal Profile Analysis)

Analysis that provides a precise idea about people’s behavior at work, giving questions such as: what are their strengths and what areas need improving? how do they communicate with each other? what motivates them?


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Creativity diagnosis CPQ (Creativity Potential Diagnosis and Development)

A online tool to identify and develop an innovative potential, providing immediate understanding.


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Sales Test R

Essential tool for the commercial assessment, also used in the context of training, internal mobility or audit sales teams.


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16 pf (Personality Factors)

It measures the 16 characteristics that can predict the behavior of a professional by interpreting the interaction between personality traits, the specific opportunity and the context of a situation.


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